Our company is renowned for its flat hierarchy and open approach, where collaboration and teamwork play a key role. We greatly value individuals whose leadership has elevated and propelled our organization forward while remaining close to the people – from production colleagues to management. That’s why we have chosen to honor our long-standing CEO, Tibor Kálmán, who not only successfully led us for many years but also contributed to shaping our company into what it is today.

Recently, Tibor Kálmán decided to embrace a new challenge by stepping into a higher position within our parent company in Germany, where he now leads the dry transformers division. Even though he no longer directly oversees us, he remains in close contact. We can still rely on his technical expertise and enjoy the friendly approach that is so characteristic of him.

To celebrate his contributions, we decided to establish a symbolic gesture – the “Walk of Fame,” which will commemorate his achievements. The first star placed on it belongs to him. We view this step to express our gratitude and respect for his years of leadership during which the company grew and matured into its current form.

Under his guidance, we not only developed our expertise and achieved outstanding business results but also cultivated a corporate culture based on trust and respect. For our CEO, SGB Czech Trafo was always more than just work – it was a place where he invested his effort, passion, and vision.

The “Walk of Fame” thus becomes a symbol not only of his successes but also of the values that will continue to guide us. Even though Tibor is heading to Germany, his influence and legacy remain an integral part of our company. The star bearing his name will shine as a reminder of his leadership, inspiration, and determination that he has passed on to all of us.

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